Almost universally disliked, pigeons can become a pest problem when they nest and/or roost on your property. They are not nasty or aggressive birds like gulls – the main problem they pose is their droppings. It attracts insect pests and has the potential to spread nasty infections. Pigeons also carry mites and fleas. In the pest control industry, pigeons are known as flying rats.
The solution is usually straightforward – prevent the pigeons from roosting on your home or office. We have a variety of effective deterrents such as netting, sprung wires and spikes to keep them away. Also we have a relatively new control procedure available that makes the pigeons think there is fire around their roosting area and consequently do not land.
We are experts in preventing pigeons from roosting on buildings
We offer a guarantee on all our materials and workmanship. Contact us today for more information .
- In Roman times pigeons were used to carry news of sporting events such as the Olympic games, and that is why white doves are released at the start of the Olympic games today.
- During the First World War, a pigeon called Cher Ami saved the lives of many French soldiers by carrying a message across enemy lines in the heat of battle. It was wounded in the chest and foot but still managed to deliver its important message. It was awarded the Croix de Guerre medal for heroic service.
- One of the world’s most famous news agencies, Reuters, started its European business in 1850 by using trained homing pigeons.
- Pigeons can fly up to 40 or 50 miles per hour and may fly as far as 600 miles a day.
- Racing Homing Pigeons have been clocked flying 92.5 mph average speed on a 400 mile race.
- Pigeons can be worth huge sums of money. One racing pigeon was sold recently for $132,517 . The previous record had been $73,800. It beat 21,000 other pigeons in a long distance race.
- Pigeons are still used today by the French, Swiss, Israeli, Iraqi and Chinese Armies.
- Pigeons proved valuable in the Gulf War, as their messaging was not affected by the electronic jamming.
- Scientist believe pigeons may hear wind blowing over mountains from hundreds of miles away
- The most heroic recorded pigeon flight was of one released in Africa – it took 55 days and traveled over 7,000 miles to get to England
- In the Seventeenth century Pigeon manure was used in making gunpowder
- Unlike most birds, pigeons do not have to lift their head to swallow water.
- The ability to hear sounds 11 octaves below middle C allow the pigeons to detect earthquakes and electrical storms.
- The USA completely wiped out the Passenger pigeon as a species – the last one died in 1914: In 1866 a flock of Passenger pigeons in southern Ontario was described as being 1 miles (1.5 km) wide and 300 miles (500 km) long, it took 14 hours to pass, and held in excess of 3.5 billion birds. They are now extinct.