NPS PEST CONTROL and FUMIGATIONS have been operating on Spain´s Costa del Sol since 1985. We are a fully legal English owned pest control company that is fully registered with the Junta de Andalucia with the Sanitary department registration No. 0221-AND-750 and incorporated in ROESBA ,the official register of Màlaga Health Department, to carry out treatments in private dwellings, bars, restaurants, communities and public areas. You have to ask yourself do you really want some unqualified person spraying potentially harmful insecticides around your home and family? I think not! We are totally discreet and use unmarked vans for your privacy.
Because we are officially registered, we can issue Junta de Andalucia legally stamped certificates of Diagnosis and Treatment for your bar or restaurant, that are valid for any official inspection from Sanidad, the Ayuntamiento, Police, Health and Safety Dept…etc.
A highly qualified team of pest control professionals are at your disposal to deal with a multitude of insect or vermin problems that can at any time invade your life. We are also specialists in the treatment of Subterranean Termites and in conjunction with our in-house fully qualified carpenter, can take any termite treatment that requires replacement door frames, from start to finish, with no hassle for the client. We pride ourselves on a job well done and we treat your home as we treat our own…..with total respect.
We are not into name dropping, but many famous stars of screen, TV and the music business use our services on a regular basis.
Here on the Costa del Sol, a lot of people will tell you that cockroaches are part and parcel of life in a hot country. This is as far from the truth as you can get. Sure, roaches do breed easily in hot climes, but it doesn´t mean that you have to live with them!! NPS can carry out treatments to eradicate roach problems or in the very worst scenario, control them so that they are not a problem.
Every job is different, but rest assured, NPS will try their utmost to bring solutions. Rats are also responsible for many of our call outs. These are invariably of the palm tree variety that usually make their home in the crown of the tree and then forages for berries and food in the immediate area. The Palm tree beetle in recent years, has destroyed over 2000 palm trees on the Costa del Sol with the resultant loss of homes for the rats. Because of this it has meant that many of the calls that we receive are from people who are experiencing opportunist rats entering and living in their kitchens and garages.

Altogether, not very pleasant. The urine and faeces left by the rats can be highly dangerous to humans and a major health hazard. We will endeavor to find out how vermin are getting into your property and although we are not builders, if we can facilitate repairs, we will. If we can´t, then you will have a comprehensive report of what needs to be done to stop the problem.
NPS PEST CONTROL and FUMIGATIONS are at your disposal to bring solutions to your pest control problems. Ring PAUL on (00 34) 676 700 370 for advice and appointments. We are pleased to attend to you in English or in Spanish.